Always one step ahead of everyone.... 

Always one step ahead of everyone....

Last night in Bratislava was an interesting one....for different reasons....

We decided to try out some clubs in Bratislava and we found out about the biggest club there....after partying in some of he best clubs in Eastern Europe we went to a tiny little boat called Circus Barok where you could only fit about 100 people max.....and that was supposedly the best club there....not that I want to criticise Slovakia at all but we were there for 4 days in total, 2 in Liptovky Mikulas in the mountains and the other two in the capital....and to be offense to Slovak's just's a dead city in comparison to the other ones.....

Anyway a word of very very careful in Eastern the end of our night we were buying some food at a little hamburger stall and out of nowhere a hot girl walked up to us (there were 3 of us) and asked if we spoke german.....because I speak a bit I started talking to her and she said she was a german tourist travelling on her own but her accent was not german.....

After a couple of minutes I ended up buying some beers for everyone and as soon as I bought them she grabbed the other guy that was with us by the hand and left with him.....after thinking for about 2-3 minutes about it, me and Simon thought it was a bit strange and went after him....she was already on her way into a dark alley with him where I'm sure he would have been robbed or even worse....and as soon as we called him back...the german tourist (yeah right) got all angry and left in the opposite direction than the direction she told us her hotel always be careful in Eastern europe....

Anyway the next day we were going to Vienna, so we woke up in the morning and we had to get a tram for 3 stops until the train we did...and to our luck as soon as we got to the last station the ticket inspector showed up and we had no this little NAZI wouldn't let us out of the tram unless we paid 35 euros each but our train was in 7 minutes and we had no money with us......he said " OK YOU STAY HERE AND FRIEND GO TO BANK...." I ended up finding some money and we paid the stupid fine (ticket was only 0.5 euros) and got the train to Vienna....

When we got there, the stupid hostel gave us wrong directions so we had to walk around the city for a long time with the bags, hungover, trying to find the hostel.....finally did....

To be honest, Vienna is a beautiful city but it is a very dull and kind of lifeless city so that kind of describes our two days there.....not a lot to do although it is a beautiful city.....

From there we left to PPPPRRRRAAAAGGGUUUEEEE......

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